Friday, July 16, 2010

Just when you think it can't get any worse....

it does.

My father passed away on June 29. He turned 87 on June 28. He was a veteran of WWII and participated in the Invasion of Normandy. He is at peace now.

My mother is in a nursing home with alzheimer's. She doesn't realize he's gone. She doesn't know me. Life can be very sad at times but it is something we all have to deal with. The loss of a loved one.

The other problems are still here. So much to deal with. But God won't give you more than you can handle. Sometimes in these difficult times you can realize how strong you really are.

I did get an email from Please check out their site. They are looking for quilts to be donated. I sent one some weeks ago and did not realize they were giving away prizes. They had a drawing this week and I won six feedsacks and four patterns. That is so nice. So if you think you can help them please check them out.

Please enjoy every day.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your Dads passing ,and to hear about your Mum ,that was how my Mum finished up too ,gently confused was how I tried to see it ,At least she was spared the heart ache ,but it is hard when your own dearest Mum doesnt know you ,You will be in my thoughts Jan xx

  2. I'm so sorry for the loss of your father, we forget just how much 'life' our parents have seen before us! Sending you blessings and a big quilty hug! xox

  3. I came to say thank you for your comment. However I am also touched by this post. I currently have a grandfather who has been like a father to me with Alzheimers and I know how heart breaking it is. He will be 80 on 10/10/10 and we're having a little family party to celebrate his life.

    It is so true that God never gives you more than you can handle and I'll add you and your family to my prayers
