Monday, March 22, 2010

Asking for opinions!

This is the quilt top I made from the $3 scrap bag from the quilt show in Pigeon Forge. It is a large throw size. The blocks are 5 inch squares. I just had to add the white fabric.

Now what I am asking is - do you think I need another white border. I think it looks unfinished and I have enough white fabric to add a border strip. If so do you think it should be the width of the other strips or should I made the border strip wider?

I do value the opinions of all you ladies and gentlemen out there in blog land. Let me hear from you!



  1. I love it, and think it will look really nice with a white border so the colors will float freely, don't you think?

  2. What a lovely quilt! Don't you love it when you make something so wonderful that cost virtually nothing?

    I think a white border would be a good addition to this quilt. It would make a frame for those pretty colors.

  3. White border of same width as sashing and, if you have pieces left, pieced binding using the leftovers. I like it. Simple and soothing.

  4. It's a beauty! Definitely a white border. Lay the white behind the quilt to guague how wide 'looks' right to you. Try both strip widthh and wider. You will find it will speak to you! :)

  5. Love the colors in this quilt top. I think it needs the white border, probably the same width as the sashing. I like Deanna's suggestion of pieced binding in the same fabrics if you have enough left.

  6. I agree that a border like the sashing will finish it nicely! I have recently started using more white in my quilts and love how it makes the colors pop. Beautiful quilt and great price!

  7. I LOVE this! Beautiful colors, clean and crisp looking. Great job!

  8. I think a white border would be great, then I think blue binding from one of the blues in the quilt would be wonderful.

  9. I think that instead of a white border, you should just do a white binding. I say cut four inch strips of white and make a french double fold that comes out to a one inch binding. That will finish the look and bind it at the same time.
